Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Ice Storm

George Bush has declared 30-some Missouri counties (including mine) federal disaster areas due to damage from the area's worst ice storm in history. Three days of freezing rain falling on warm ground means no ice on roads, but lots of it on trees, power lines, and grass. I lost power Friday evening and still am without it. Three nights sleeping in front of a fireplace was enough and we've moved to a motel now. Many have it far worse, including someone who purchased a gas generator only to have it stolen while it was running electric heaters in his home.

Public schools and most of the colleges have cancelled classes for this week. D-cell batteries are like gold. Firewood is plentiful in anyone's yard, although the risk of falling limbs and trees remains very high.

I'm out of touch with politics for awhile, at least until I have electricity and am back home. Check my blog for some photos and for updates. Spare a thought for the infirm and elederly and the children living through this nightmare. It's not a war zone and it's not as bad as Katrina. It's largely inconvenient and uncomfortable. But I wouldn't wish it on anyone.