Thursday, March 15, 2007

Who Is CBS's Source?

Don't you hate it when officials give and media types repeat anonymous comments. Here is one that just appeared on CBS's website.

One Republican strategist close to the White House told CBS News that Gonzales is "finished."
Kinda reminds me of the Scooter Libby quote initially attributed to "former congressional staffer," except that a lot of people working in the White House are former congressional staffers. How many "Republican strategists" are there who are "close to the White House" who won't speak for attribution. Especially, anonymous Republican strategists to whom CBS would devote a headline. I might be mistaken, but wouldn't that group consist of one member?

Karl, is that you Karl? Are you dissing the AG? Are you sending him a public message from the President? Are you telling him it is time to go? The world wonders.