Monday, March 12, 2007


General Kylie needs to be removed from his duties as surgeon general of the Army, because it's that culture of command. And by the way, General Kylie, I documented in the Armed Services hearing this week, he knew of these problems. He's known of them for several years, and he was in the position to do something about it, and he needs to change--he needs to go. We need a new commander over the medical command of the US Army, and a
new culture of command. --Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) 3/11/2007 , Face the Nation

Lt. General Kevin Kiley was asked for his resignation today. His desk is cleaned out and the locks have probably already been changed.

He is the third flag-rank casualty in the wake of the the scandal unleashed by reporters from The Washington Post.

He is also the most deserving of the sacking.

The decay of the facilities and the denigrating treatment of the troops happened on his watch, when he was the commander of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He has known about the conditions, and about the personnel issues. He was in the position to do something, and he did nothing.

I shed no tears for the demise of his career, and only wish his pension could be impacted for his display of perfidy.