I awoke this morning puzzled about something. Maybe you can help. As we are all aware 8 or so US attorneys were recently fired and replaced. The current argument by the administration is that the USAs were replaced for performance reasons. Well, all along it has been agreed that one of them, Bud Cummins of Arkansas, was removed simply to make room for one of Karl Rove's proteges.
Now it seems that a second USA was not removed for performance reasons. Daniel G. Bogden was told by a senior Justice Department officials that he was being replaced to make room for another appointee.
Tuesday, Deputy Attorney General William Moschella told a House subcommittee "no particular deficiencies" in Bogden's performance existed. Moschella said the department wanted someone with "renewed energy" to take the Las Vegas-based office "to the next level."Las Vegas Review Journal, March 8, 2007
This revelation has really ticked off Senator John Ensign (R-NV.) Bogden was his selection. Ensign says he was told that Bodgen wasn't really doing his job. It also seems that initially Ensign was not consulted about a replacement. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal Article
A legal source familiar with the appointment process said it seemed clear that the administration was preparing to "parachute in" a new U.S. attorney in Nevada, possibly from outside the state, under the Patriot Act umbrella.
Questions, why was Bogden fired? Why would they not consult John Ensign? Why would they want to parachute in somebody from outside Nevada? Is the administration trying to dig dirt on the other Senator from Nevada--Harry Reid, or do they have some reason for not wanting to have John Ensign involved? After all, why would the administration want to anger a Republican Senator.
Before you jump to the former, remember Main Justice recently parachuted Nelson Cohen, head of the white collar crime unit at the U.S. Attorney's office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, into Anchorage to be the interim U.S. Attorney for Alaska over the very strong objections of the very powerful Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK.) It seems Senator Stevens and his son are being investigated for some pretty smelly practices.
I am asking for comments because I truly don't know the answers.