Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why Americans Are Angry

Matt Stollar at MyDD has put up a post that goes along way toward explaining just why Americans are becoming very, very grumpy with Democratic lawmakers.

This is a liberal country that likes liberal leaders, but it's also an angry country frustrated with the political system. Here's one reason why. Most polling has the government negotiating with drug companies as incredibly popular. According to this poll, it was actually the most popular item among the Democrats 100 Hours Agenda, clocking in at 87% approval and only 12% disapproval. Even the minimum wage is only at 85% approval versus 14% disapproval.

And yet. There was some promising movement a week ago, and now the Senate looks like it's going to be a dead end.
It seems big time Pharma and big time lobbyists are killing a bill demanded by 87% of Americans. That's right special intersts are being preferred over 87% of Americans. Read his post. It's maddening.