Saturday, April 21, 2007

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies

Brian York of the National Review has published an article entitled Alberto Gonzales’s Disastrous Day
focusing on Gonzales's pathetic non-responses to the "softball" questions of normally friendly Republican senators. He concludes: "(i)f Gonzales has lost the support of Sam Brownback and Jeff Sessions and Lindsey Graham and Tom Coburn and other Republicans on the committee, he might soon lose his support at the White House, too."

If central components of the mighty right wing Wurlitzer are giving Gonzales bad reviews, you know Fredo is in deep trouble. The longer Gonzales remains at Justice the more he damages the President. Alberto don't do what you know is right, just keep following George's directions. Dig in your heels George, dig in your heals. You are the decider. You might "decider" yourself into single digits. Keep it up. Dig in your heels.