Thursday, April 19, 2007

You Cannot Petition The Lord With Prayer....

What in the world is going on in Florida? We were all so thrilled that a Bush would be out of political office after the 2006 elections, because Jeb Bush was term limited history; but then we were saddened when another Republican was elected to replace him. I will leave it to one of our more knowledgeable local reporters to inform on the across the board performance, but I would like to give some solid credit on two fronts to the new Republican governor of Florida, Charlie Crist. I'm totally serious. First, Crist as one of his first significant steps, moved to resore voting rights to felons that have completed their sentences; a wonderfully enlightened and proper thing to do. That was enough to make me take positive notice all by itself, but now comes the real clincher. Today it is announced that Governor Crist is seriously considering granting a pardon to Jim Morrison for the infamous and absolutely bogus indecency conviction entered against him as a result of a 1969 Doors concert in Miami. A petition for pardon of Jim Morrison would not have had a prayer with Jeb Bush; but Crist's actions are certainly not those of the prototypical southern, conservative, Republican blockhead politician and, thus, my hat is off to Governor Crist.