Thursday, May 17, 2007

John And Jerry Write Alberto A Letter

Apparently the House Judiciary Committee was paying attention to Comey's testimony. Today Chairman John Conyers and Subcommittee Chairman Jerrold Nadler sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales demanding answers to specific questions and greater access to information concerning the NSA's Domestic Wiretap program. You can see the letter at a website called CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS. Generally the letter asks Gonzales

1) Is Mr. Comey’s testimony about the events of March, 2004 as provided this week to the Senate Judiciary Committee (a copy of which is enclosed with this letter) accurate and, if not, please explain your version of what happened.

2) Was the classified program referred to by Mr. Comey the Terrorist Surveillance Program, as it existed prior to the changes made according to the Justice Department’s recommendations and, if not, what was the classified program that Mr. Comey was referring to?

3) Who was involved in deciding to seek approval from Attorney General Ashcroft from his hospital bed and who made the telephone call to arrange your visit to his bedside?

4) What was the basis for the Administration’s decision on March 10-11 to continue with the program despite the Department’s objections, how long did it so continue. Please provide copies of any legal or other memoranda on the subject?

5) What was the basis for the Department’s objections to the program. Please provide copies of any Office of Legal Counsel or other documents relating to those objections? and

6) What changes were made to the program to resolve the Department’s objections
Just the questions I want answered. The only question I would have added is "What changes to the program did you authorize after you became Attorney General?"

According to a RAWSTORY by Michael Roston Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) is worried that Comey's testimony "raises serious questions about the NSA program and the White House's heavy-handed determination to continue it." Ya think.