Saturday, May 19, 2007

In A Bold Move The Comander Guy Neutralizes Ron Paul--Fox News Elated.

Mark Jeffrey says

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is far and away the most popular on the Internet. Yet, despite his massive online lead, the mainstream media has barely managed to cover him at all.

On 5/14 and 5/15, Ron Paul was the #1 most-searched-for term on blog search engine Technorati. On post-debate polls on and, Ron Paul was voted the winner of the debate by a wide margin.
Steve Clemons reports that Paul's spike in popularity has led a Michigan GOP Leader to try squeezing him out of future primary debates. According to Jim Davinport of the AP
Michigan party chairman Saul Anuzis said he will circulate a petition among Republican National Committee members to ban Paul from other debates. At a GOP candidates’ debate Tuesday night, Paul drew attacks from all sides, most forcefully from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, when he linked the terror attacks to U.S. bombings.
Well, the "trusted" political site "the" believes Karl Rove has come up with a way to make the Republican party establishment safe from the surging candidate.
In a bold move that has surprised many political analysts and pundits, President George W. Bush has announced his decision to have Congressman Ron Paul recalled to active duty by Executive Order #2008STOPRONPAUL.

"Congressman Ron Paul previously served as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and the Air National Guard thingy, which I was kind of in for a few days, too," said President Bush. The President continued by saying, "As the Decider, I have decided to give him another chance to serve his country. I guess he is one of them obgyn thingies, and so I have ordered Congressman Ron Paul back to active duty to practice with women all across the military."

Congressman Ron Paul has been ordered to report back to active duty effective immediately. He will be stuck on active duty at least through the next election, pursuant to the Executive Order.
The quote is satire. I think.

The parts about Paul surging and neo-con types trying desperately to deny him a voice are all too real.

Paul might be a kook but I think he is on to something. Americans of all stripes are fed up with the belief tank daydreams of empire that seem to dominate the modern Republican party leadership. If they want to have any chance of winning, Republican candidates need to back away from the neo-con Fox News wing of the Republican party.