Monday, May 21, 2007

So the reich-wing wants a piece of the internet pie, eh?

This is our turf.


You know how for all those years the GOP had the GOTV handbook?

Well, when something came along to rival that advantage, it totally took them by surprise.


Welcome to the netroots, Republicans, and let us know what you think of 1997 once you catch your breath, won’t you?

When David All, a former Republican congressional aide, launched a blog recently that he hopes will spur his fellow Republicans to bridge the digital divide, he did his best to sound upbeat. "Today our Revolution begins," he wrote. "Tomorrow we fight."

But implicit in his cheerleading was the acknowledgment that there is a widening gap between Democrats and Republicans on the Internet, and that his party will have to scramble to catch up. "For the most part Republicans are stuck in Internet circa 2000," he said in an interview.

Michael Turk, who was in charge of Internet strategy for President Bush's 2004 campaign -- puts the problem his party faces more bluntly: "We're losing the Web right now."

But implicit in his cheerleading was the acknowledgment that there is a widening gap between Democrats and Republicans on the Internet, and that his party will have to scramble to catch up. "For the most part Republicans are stuck in Internet circa 2000," he said in an interview.

Sweet. Mother. of. God. (can a Jewess even say that and not get struck by lightning? Apparently so…)


The way they do things – top down – is simply antithetical to the way the blogosphere works – bottom up – if you can afford an internet connection, you can be a player…And that just blows their minds. It's a true meritocracy. It doesn't matter who your momma *ahem* kept company with (so Jonah Goldberg loses his advantage) and it doesn't matter who your daddy was (so Bill Kristol is just a babbling idiot with a gap-toothed grin) – No, in Blogsylvania, if you have firing neurons, you have equal footing.

And they can't stand it.

The reich-wing is suckin’ hind tit on every front.

My tech-savvy ass – which saw a digital age of pseudo anarchy coming 30 years ago – is laughing heartily – and blogging daily.

…it takes a certain level of technical skill and understanding to be an online strategist, and Republicans admit that "the pool of talent in the Democrats' side is much bigger than ours."

But an underlying cause may be the nature of the Republican Party and its traditional discipline -- the antithesis of the often chaotic, bottom-up, user-generated atmosphere of the Internet.

"We've always been a party of staying on message," All said. "It's the Rush Limbaugh model. What Tony Snow says in the White House filters down to talk radio, which makes its way to the blogs."

“What Tony Snow says in the White House filters down to talk radio, which makes its way to the blogs."

And therein lies the rub…

Have you read this site ? –(Or any other liberal blog, for that fact.)– Can you imagine any of the bloggers here (or any other liberal bloggers, for that fact) taking marching orders from any damned body?

Seriously! Not gonna happen. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

I beg of all you ‘wingers – cling to that model that has served you adequately – after all, it is the nature of the conservative, their essential Modus Operandi, to look backward for answers to current problems, rather than forward.

And so long as they embrace the past and cling to models of irrelevancy…

We… Win…

And we will continue to win – and as long as you embrace the past, you will continue to lose.