Thursday, June 14, 2007

Florida is Thompson Territory

We heard earlier this month that #3 House Republican guy and Florida Congressman, Andy Putnam, had jumped on the Thompson bandwagon.

But this is just silly.

Apparently 15 16 of Florida's state House of Representatives are coming out for Thompson:

Fifteen House Republicans, including four from Orange County's delegation, have committed to likely Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson.

The Thompson backers include local Reps. Sandy Adams of Orlando, David Mealor of Lake Mary, Bryan Nelson of Apopka and Steve Precourt of Orlando. Also signing on: Reps. Denise Grimsley, Larry Cretul, Doug Holder, Ralph Poppell, Seth McKeel, Mitch Needleman, Mike Davis, Don Brown, Dennis Ross, Jim Frishe and Clay Ford.

A sixteenth, Rep. Will Kendrick, has apparently verbally pledged to Thompson, the former U.S. senator and Law and Order actor who hasn't formally announced his candidacy but is expected to.

Many of them also wrote a letter to Thompson urging him to make his candidacy official, writing, "You are a leader who can unite our party and our nation."

Yep. The prestigious list includes my very own representative (in one of the reddest areas of the state - I wonder how that will fly?).

Aren't things a little out of control here? Florida's backing a horse that isn't even in the race. Apparently, Republicans think he is the reincarnation of Reagan. They're in for a rude awakening. He's a George Bush "empty thoughts and words" guy

Soon enough, these rats will be scrambling for the exits. Thompson will drop out because it is too much work or show his true colors early on and lose a lot of support. I'll be laughing my ass off at these idiots. Of course, most of the nation will be laughing with me.

Typical for here.