Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ron Paul Debate Video

I know my friends here at WTWC are going to be a little nervous about this post. Frankly this blog is left of center, Ron Paul isn't our guy. But this is the video being debated by the Republicans and Libertarians over at the lawyer listserve. Since May 20, 2007, this video has been viewed 227,954 times. That is a lot of views.

As is pretty clear by now I part company with Ron Paul on a lot of substantive issues. I think that as a governing philosophy Libertarianism is a crock. At best it puts pretty gloss on the selfish impulses of its fans. I don't think I could ever vote for him, but it is hard to argue with Paul on the Iraq issue. Democrats overlook him at their peril. He could easily be the Ross Perot of this election. If you haven't watched the video take a few minutes and watch it. The way he handles Sean Hannity is masterful. The man knows what he thinks and doesn't let Hannity bully him. That is a sign of authenticity.