Friday, June 8, 2007

Texas Attorney J. Gerald Herbert Opposes Hans Von Spakovsky

The Politico has reprinted a Democratic lawyer's letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) Chairperson, and Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) Ranking Member, of the Senate Rules Committee opposing Hans Von Spakovsky's permanent appointment to the Federal Election Commission.

The letter is signed by J. Gerald Herbert, a well known Texas attorney who represented Texas Democrats as they attempted to resist Tom Delay's redistricting plan. That redistricting plan, supported by the Bush DoJ, was ultimately overturned by the United States Supreme Court. Herbert outlines Von Spakovsky's role (along with that Bradley Schlozman) in that case, as well his endorsement of (over the opposition of the career staff) a voter ID in Georgia a federal judge easily determined to be an illegal Poll Tax.

You might want to read the entire letter, it provides lots of good information about Von Spakovsky. You are going to hear a lot about Hans all weekend.