Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tony Snow--Are You Kidding Me?

I am sorry. I put up the wrong humorous video. I meant to put up a clip of the unsurpassed comedy of Tony Snow.

Here is today's edition of Tony's routine. He is answering questions about whether putting people in Gitmo without trial and throwing away the key might be considered a handicap in our efforts to encourage democracy world wide.

If you can't understand the tape TPMmuckraker has transcribed Tony's take:

Are you saying that detaining people who are plucked off the battlefields is an assault on democracy? Are you kidding me? You're talking about the people who were responsible for supporting the Taliban, somehow detaining them is an assault on democracy?
Yes Tony, picking people up on suspicion and throwing them in prison for life without trial is a threat to Democracy. It sure makes us look like we don't care at all about the rule of law.