Friday, September 14, 2007

Fred Thompson Has Sex Appeal? Huh

I am waiting for a document to come back from my paralegal. During the wait I have been cruising the Internet reading comments. I roamed over to Firedoglake to read a post by Christy Hardin Smith. She has a good one up called Frederick Of Hollywood: Poseur? The post features a video from bravenewfilms called "Fred Thompson -- Greedy. Lobbyist. Sellout." It is cute. You might want to watch it.

While looking at that video I stumbled across a much better video from Rachel Maddow's Campaign Asylum called "Fred Thompson's Sex Appeal." Rachel is one of my favorites. I love her work. Give it a view. I think you will agree she has a really great take on sexy Fred.

Got to get back to lifting those books and toting those documents.