Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised--Ron Paul and Guy Fawkes

I am going to post links to three Ron Paul videos. Why? Because, to quote Kevin Drum, "Ron Paul raised a buttload of money yesterday." Not only did he raise $4,200,000 on a given day, setting a Republican record, he raised it from people who are incredibly passionate. What is important is that the given day Paul's supporters chose was November 5, 2007. What is so important about November 5? Well, it is Guy Fawkes Day. Watch this video and give some thought to what Paul's supporters are really saying.

That doesn't worry you in the slightest? Follow this link. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised doesn't sound like unserious people to me. That doesn't worry you in the least, then watch this video.

The very serious people from Blue Girl to Kevin Drum to the beltway establishment people like Joe Scarborough, who laugh at him, to the minions of the Republican party who are doing all they can to cut him down need to keep one thing in mind, most of the people who contributed to Ron Paul's campaign yesterday care passionately about two subjects, ending the war in Iraq now and restoring the Constitution.

I have had and will continue to have a lot of fun criticizing Paul's positions on nearly every one of his issues, but the lightning he has caught in a bottle is the same lightning energizing the grass roots of the Democratic party. Americans of all stripes are just fed up with the politics of Washington that embraces the trashing of our Constitution and sacrificing of our children on the alter owned by the very serious beltway people who are all too willing to shit on their brothers and sisters.

If beltway Democrats don't get serious about addressing the desires of the American people for freedom and peace, the revolution will not be televised.