Monday, February 18, 2008

At the End of the Day - February 18, 2008

Read through all of tonight's "At the End of the Day" for a very important message regarding a fellow member of Left Blogistan in dire need.

  • John McCain lobbied for and earned the endorsement of former President George Bush today. This is, supposedly, going to shore up McCain's bona fides. Because if there is someone that diehard conservatives in the GOP love, it's George "Read My Lips. No New Taxes" Bush.

  • And Speaking of that infamous broken promise by Poppy Bush McCain went down that same path in an appearance on This Week on Sunday, when he said that under his administration, he would absolutely not raise taxes. (No word on how he plans to pay for 100 years of war in Iraq, however.)

  • The United States officially recognized Kosovo on Monday. Serbia is miffed, Russia too. Oh well. Let 'em stew.

  • Researchers at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill have released a study that assesses human impact on the oceans and the results are chilling. The research was conducted by a team of researchers from the US, Canada and Great Britain. In all seventeen areas across which data was collected and analyzed,the human impact was obvious, and in many areas the threats to the oceanic ecosystems overlaps and the impact is compound. "The big picture looks much worse than I imagine most people expected," said lead scientist Ben Halpern at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • A military judge has overruled objections by the Government and will allow defense attorneys in the Hamdan case question Khalid Sheik Mohammed and six other alleged senior al Qaeda captives being held in seclusion at the Guantánamo Bay prison camp. Navy Capt. Keith Allred gave the U.S. government until Tuesday (Monday is a federal holiday) to establish an independent security arrangement to help lawyers representing Salim Hamdan gather evidence they say could exonerate their client. At issue is just how deeply involved the $200 per month driver with the third grade education was involved in the planning and execution of terror attacks. The prosecution maintains that Hamdan need not have belonged to the cells that plotted the attacks to have been part of the conspiracy to kill Americans, he is guilty by association. The defense argues that if Hamdan wasn't part of the plot, he should be found innocent of overarching conspiracy charges.
Here is the important message mentioned at the top of the post. Edger, in case you don’t know, is a blessing on left blogistan. He has literally done the coding to bring visions to fruition for every single blog that Blue Girl posts on, including this one. When trouble pops up in the template, we don’t even strain our brains, we just turn to Edger, and he makes problems disappear; or he makes reality of whatever notion springs forth from the mind of our twisted sister Blue Girl. And he does it promptly.

Here is the deal - even with health coverage, you can’t get sick. Last summer, he had a failing kidney removed, and in spite of having benefits, they were exhausted before he was released to return to work. Now he is back at work, but in the time between exhausting his bennies and returning to the work force, he lost a lot of ground economically and is quite frankly barely treading water.

He has a “donate” button up over at the Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus central blog, and at his own place (which he has neglected lately because OOIBC has grown so much and so rapidly that it takes most of his blogging time now that he is back in the workforce).

Blogtopia™ (y! sctp!) has one truly great strength - our ability to shape and develop and redefine “community.” Edger is a part of our community. As such, we are happy to acknowledge his contributions to the greater left blogosphere community by helping out a bit when he is in need, and spreading the word so people who are in a position to help out know that the help is needed and where to send it.

And hey - if you happen to need a website designed, let him - or Blue Girl - know - they do that sort of thing together, heck, they have actually done paying projects and have references! He would much rather earn it than accept it…but the bottom line is, he needs it right now. Thanks.