Friday, February 22, 2008

Campaign Video of the Day -- February 22, 2008

There really is only one choice for Campaign Video of the Day. Last night Hillary gave a closing statement in her debate with Barack Obama that showed real class. If you didn't see it the three minute clip is after the break.

Did Hillary decisively defeat Obama? No. She won on points, but Obama didn't make any mistakes.

They went toe to toe during a discussion of their health care plans. I think Hillary got the better of the exchange, but I have always preferred her health care plan. On the other hand, Obama explained the philosophical difference between the two on the issue of mandates. I can understand how independents and Republicans would find his plan preferable.

I can now easily see either of them in the role of Commander In Chief. We have had a gunslinger President who comes off looking frightened and frozen in place. We need someone who isn't afraid to talk to friends and enemies alike. I am reasonably certain Obama will talk. On the other hand, I can't see other of them backing down if challenged.

We are truly blessed to have two absolutely outstanding candidates.

If you encounter a video in need of greater play, please email the link to subject Campaign Video of the Day.

Campaign Video after the break.