Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Public May Be Ahead Of Candidates On Medical Marijuana

Testifying before Congress last summer, the chief scientist in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Dr. David Murray, reportedly said that the medical use of marijuana had sparked violence and robberies in California.

I suppose I've seen too many silly old movies like Reefer Madness. I envisioned, in grainy black and white, wild-eyed, pot-crazed cancer patients, knocking over convenience stores to get at the Milk Duds stash.

More seriously, this season's leading Republican presidential candidates seem to be toeing the White House line on this issue. The Democrats, characteristically, have been more open-minded. But they all seem to be trailing the American public.

As long ago as 2002, a Time/CNN survey found that 80 percent of Americans support the use of marijuana as medicine. And in the same survey, 72 percent said nonmedicinal users should be fined, not thrown in the hoosegow. In other words, they favored decriminalization.

Here's a video sampling of what some of the candidates, current and former, have said about medical marijuana.


From Barack Obama, who admits having inhaled his share as a young man:

From Mitt Romney, evasion and swill:

Here's Hillary Clinton. At least she answered the question:

Now John McCain. He makes one thing perfectly clear -- he's opposed to incarcerating the dead:

This from recent dropout John Edwards. Even with some problems, I'm sad he's not still in the running:

Last, but not least, heeeere's Ron Paul. True to 19th-century American values, he's for states' rights on the issue:

That's all we have time for today, folks. Until next time, 2012, don't get diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Crossposted at Manifesto Joe.