Friday, February 15, 2008

David Shuster To Return To MSNBC February 22

TVNewster is reporting that

NBC News president Steve Capus tells TVNewser David Shuster will return to MSNBC Friday, Feb. 22. That will mean a two-week suspension for Shuster who was taken off the air for using the phrase "pimped out" on a Feb. 7 broadcast of MSNBC's "Tucker". Shuster was describing Chelsea Clinton's role of calling superdelegates as part of her mother's Presidential campaign.
At about the same time TPM's Greg Sargent reports that Hillary's campaign was so persistent in their pursuit of Shuster because they were really angry with and sending a message to Chris Matthews. Sargent writes:
As dumb and clueless as Shuster's "pimp" remark, this was never really about him. The Clinton campaign, while genuinely upset about what Shuster said, lashed out at the network because they were primarily irked by Matthews' conduct, and were sending a message to MSNBC that it's time that Matthews muzzle himself.
And you thought that Republicans were the only politicians allowed to work the refs.

Is Chris Matthews capable of being anybody other than himself? Your guess is as good as mine, but I seriously doubt he is that good an actor.

Nothing after the break.