Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Florida Ground Game

We talk often about the need for campaigns to develop a good ground game, especially here in the state of the hanging chad. Here are some observations from my admittedly Republican home county.

Last presidential election cycle, I donated to Clark, Edwards and Kerry in the primary election and to Kerry in the general. Over the past four years, I have responded to Hillary fundraising ventures three times. I am a DSCC sustaining member. I am signed up on all three campaign sites and have been a Friend of Hilary since her 2000 Senate run. Here's what has happened since all three were announced.

  • I have received three emails from John Edwards' campaign to my personal email address, not my regular one, and two phone calls from an office here in Florida. I've been invited to "meet up" like meetings for organization.
  • I have received two phone calls from national fundraising efforts for Barak Obama and one mailing from Maryland. I have received no email fundraising initials. No invites to organize, only money.
  • I have received eight mailed solicitations from Hillary and Bill and about 10 emails - I lost count since I started counting. I have not received a single phone call. I've been invited to a few "private" fundraisers.

I'm not sure what this says. Edwards' efforts seem more localized to me. The Orlando One Corps chapter is the campaign's third largest in the state. There are five in my metro area, including one at the University of Central Florida, where the pulse has been split between Edwards and Obama. It seems easier to participate on Edwards' site; no donate, email a friend, or other steps to get to the good stuff.

At least Barak is calling. The first phone call was a young, enthusiastic young lady. The last, just yesterday, was a polished pro at fundraising. The lack of emails is strange as I get them from every source known to man. I thought I'd certainly see one from Barak by now. That's not done on a geographic level but you'd think I'd have seen one. The website makes me jump through some hoops to find other Obama supporters in our state - I don't care for that.

Hillary is trending to her DLC roots - expensive direct mail campaigns and email after email. At some point, I'm sure we'll start getting the pro calls. Nothing grassroots that I can see. It's a shame. I have always liked Hillary but too much polish in this election is a really bad thing.

It will be interesting. I think this campaign will come down to grassroots and netroots. Edwards and Obama have the edge there from what I'm seeing, with Edwards a little out in front in the Central Florida organizational area.

How's it going in your neck of the woods?