Friday, June 8, 2007

Bradley Schlozman Wants To "Revise" His Remarks

Nine times during his testimony Bradley Schlozman said he had acted "at the direction" of the DoJ's Public Integrity Section. He specifically mentioned Craig Donsanto's name several times. If you look at the tape you will notice that he was absolutely cock sure that he had been told to bring the charges.

After being America's laughing stock for a few days, apparently after being told that the people in the Public Integrity Section aren't really planning on backing him up, and most importantly realizing that he has clearly committed perjury, Bradley Schlozman's camp told Bloomberg this afternoon that he wants to clarify his remarks. According to at least two unnamed Department of Justice Officials.

A clarification of Schlozman's testimony would stress that he consulted with the section and was given guidance, not direction, said the officials, who asked to remain anonymous because the matter is being deliberated internally. The clarification wouldn't say that Schlozman's Senate testimony was inaccurate, the officials added.
I watched the tape. His statements were clear as crystal. He wanted everybody to think that the decision was made by Craig Donsanto. Anybody who knew anything about the process knew that he was lying when he testified.

My questions are as follows:

1) Who are the anonymous Department of Justice Officials who want to revise Schlozman's sworn testimony?

2) Are they lawyers?

3) Who do they represent?

4) If they are representing Schlozman, why are they claiming to be Department of Justice Officials?

5) If they are representing the Department of Justice, why aren't they pursuing a perjury indictment?

Look, people screw up under the pressure of the national spotlight. Patrick Leahy is a tough interrogator. So are the others. Sometimes mistakes are made. Memories are faulty. Sometimes a timely correction is in order. No harm, no foul. Ordinarily, I would have no problem with a clarification. I wouldn't even think about it twice.

In this case, however, Schlozman said he was "directed" by the Public Integrity Section (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) nine times. It wasn't a slip of the tongue. It was an incompetent responsibility dodge, but a dodge that was obviously planned.

America endured an impeachment because Bill Clinton once lied under oath about cheating on his wife, once. The Republicans didn't allow him to revise his testimony. I heard all kinds of nonsense about the end of American civilization if he wasn't prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I guess a Gonzales' Department of Justice Official isn't held to the same high standard. Maybe a Gonzales' Department of Justice Official isn't held to any standard at all. That is sad, and possibly the end of American civilization.

What is he going to have us believe next? He didn't know that ACORN was a left leaning group? Oops. I guess he is asking us to believe he didn't . . . .