Friday, June 8, 2007

Springtime In Paris

Ah mon ami, the sights, the sounds, the excitement, the aroma - its springtime in Paris. Hilton's life that is. What a buggered up mess. First John Ashcroft, now Paris Hilton; I am starting to feel sorry for both of them. And that thought is killing me, but there you have it. Paris Hilton is a self important twit; she deserves neither the attention nor hatred she engenders.

But, let me say this loudly and clearly. Paris Hilton is getting preferential treatment she does not deserve. She is getting fucking crucified, and no other regular citizen would have been pounded within even a fraction of what she has received. In Arizona, which has some of the stiffest DWI laws in the country, a first time DWI defendant, caught driving on a suspended license, under these same circumstances attendant to Hilton, would be commonly sentenced to serve the remainder of a ten day sentence on the DWI, which is nine days (any defendant must serve at least 24 hours in jail), and would probably have two days added for the driving on a suspended license charge. Most likely, the two day sentence would be made concurrent with the nine days, so she would be incarcerated for nine days. They have given Hilton 45 days and made a total hash in the process.

This podunk city court judge in California puts Lance Ito to shame in the unethical showboating department. The guy ought to be reprimanded. Seriously. The media ought to be ashamed of themselves. The people watching the media ought to be ashamed of themselves. This is a rotten, putrid barrel of apples all the way around. It pains me to say this, but FREE PARIS, ITS A BUM RAP, MAN!

I leave you with "Springtime For Hitler" from The Producers. No, not the new production silly; from the original with the incomparable Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder. Zero Mostel was an amazing talent. He was blacklisted in the McCarthy Red Hunt era and never fully recovered. This is what happens when false security becomes more important than real freedoms. We are in such an era again; fight back!

UPDATE: I am now informed that Ms. Hilton was not even convicted of a DWI in the first place. It was pled down to a reckless driving charge. The situation is now doubly insane. No other similarly situated defendant, and there are probably hundreds per week in LA County, would get more than four days incarceration. You do not have to like, nor be sympathetic to, Paris Hilton to understand that this is a raw and unconscionable deal. Anybody, anywhere, that tells you different simply does not know what they are talking about on criminal law at this level.