Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mitch Hates Women, Kentucky and the Medical Profession

Once again, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is standing four-square behind a presidential nomination of a Kentuckian whose professional qualifications and/or personal behavior/beliefs drag this state's reputation further into the gutter.

Believe me, Kentucky is full of highly-qualified, highly-competent, reality- and science-based physicians.

But you'd never know it from the two Kentucky chuckle-heads the Smirky maladministration has nominated to high-level medical positions.

First we had David Hager of Lexington, a supposed ob-gyn who specialized in denying birth control to competent adult women who happened to not have a husband. Smirky appointed Hager in 2002 to an FDA advisory committee on reproductive health drugs and women's health.

Which looked a little strange after Hager's ex-wife revealed that he had endangered her own health by anally raping her on a regular basis.

It's OK, though, because he told her that he accidentally hit the "wrong hole."

Sorry to ruin your breakfast, but contemplate just for a moment the qualifications of an ob-gyn who either anally rapes his wife and lies about it, or doesn't know the difference between a vagina and a rectum.

Hager's mercifully gone, but now we have James Holsinger, a physician at the University of Kentucky nominated to be surgeon general.

Holsinger's colleagues support him, and express surprise at the opposition from gay and lesbian groups to Holsinger, who considers homosexuality a curable illness - not to mention a sin. He has written an excruciatingly explicit summary of "studies" purporting to "prove" that gay sex is unnatural and unhealthy.

If Holsinger publicly cited "studies" purporting to show that non-whites are intellectually and morally inferior to whites, would his colleagues continued to defend him based on his professional qualifications?

Would they express "surprise" that the NAACP opposed his nomination to be Surgeon General?

By the way, Holsinger justifies the "unnaturalness" of homosexuality on the basis of plumbing nomenclature, i.e., the "male" and "female" halves of pipe fittings.

Is he claiming that's the source of the famous hardware-based euphemism for sex?

Senators Barack Obama and Christopher Dodd have expressed concerns about Holsinger's nomination, but Mitch just sails on blithely, shitting on Kentucky's - and the nation's - tattered reputation at every opportunity.

Mitch is up for re-election in 2008, and he's by far the weakest he's been since being elected in 1984. To help Kentucky and country rid ourselves of this menace, join the Ditch Mitch campaign.