Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The President, the Gold Watch & Everything

What a world, when even your friends treat you ill. Attempting to ride the PR wave of a hero's welcome in Albania (Albania...jeez...), all the press could seem to ask about was the possibility that Il Douche's watch had been stolen by a member of the adoring crowd. The video posted on YouTube does seem to show a young man a tad bit too interested in Bush's left wrist. Luckily, we have the ever-virtuous Tony Snow to set the record straight.

Asked at Tuesday’s briefing if the presidents watched was lifted, spokesman Tony Snow answered, “No, it was not. It was placed in his pocket…the president put it in his pocket and it returned safely home.”

Snow says a careful review of video of the scene confirms no pilfering. [emphasis mine]

In the scheme of things, this is truly a nothing story and a mystery likely never to be satisfactorily solved. But, I can only ask, if the president put his watch in his pocket, and there was no question about it having been stolen, why then was a "careful review" of the video of the event even necessary? The whole silly incident takes me back to the days of the mysterious Bush Bulge, doesn't it you? Shifting explanations & rationales about something which ultimately means nothing. When these miscreants continually lie about even the most casual events, how can we ever expect them to come clean about something as consequential as the unlawful firings of US attorneys and politically-motivated prosecutions of public servants?