Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What A Joke--Jon Stewart v. Network News

Rich Rojas has written an interesting opinion piece for the, the online version of Texas A&M's student newspaper.

The Daily Show and broadcast news include all the same parts: a congenial anchor and a staff of correspondents on a flashy set, interviewing big name guests. The difference is one is a parody, while the other is the real deal - but deciphering which is which seems to become harder every day.
In three short sentences Rojas explains the debacle at CBS News.
Last summer, CBS thought after the forced retirement of 76-year-old anchorman Dan Rather, it would be a time to spiffy up the newscast for the much-desired younger audience. Their solution: Katie Couric. In their minds, they revolutionized the CBS Evening News by bringing in more features such as "exclusive" photographs of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' baby, and an anchorwoman who has as less journalism gravitas than Stewart.
Of course, the result is that CBS news is in the dumper with lower ratings than at any point during Rather's tenure. Maybe CBS should try using talented comedians to cover real news instead of asking professional journalists to cover fake news. As for Katie Couric, maybe they should buy her a pony. The people running network news, and especially CBS, might want to read the Texas A&M student newspaper.