Wednesday, June 13, 2007

White House Counsel Not Fielding His Position

Fred Fielding is the White House Counsel, and therefore counsel of record for the Whitehouse. That position, really, is legally and ethically no different than any other lawyer. He has a client and must protect privileged communications between he and his client; but he is also the formal designated contact point and representative for procedural issues etc. If I am suing you and you are represented by counsel, I cannot talk to you, in or out of court, but I sure as hell can talk to your lawyer and he is obligated legally and ethically to have such conversation. The Congressional Committees should bring Mr. Fielding down for an extensive chat and be prepared with a litany of questions on procedural issues, record keeping etc., anything not definitively protected by privilege. And don't accept any dissembling. If you want records, haul the freaking custodian of records in and put him on the record. NOW. Sometimes I start to think the committees are being smart. There are few of these moments; mostly it has looked like timid rank rookies at work. For instance, John Conyers talks a good story; but why is this taking so long? There is not a good answer to that question.