Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Who could the Ross Perot of 2008 be?

If Corpus Juris doesn’t mind a little healthy debate about his Ron Paul=Ross Perot post, I’ll argue against, then submit my own thought, as stimulated by some blog speculation reading I’ve done.

Actually, since Paul has no real money, and the Libertarian Party (should Paul decide to ditch the GOP) is rightly regarded as pretty nutbar, I just can’t see him as the Ross Perot of the next presidential election.

Instead, let’s look at someone who is on the record against being in Iraq, has other political views that are much more mainstream than Paul, let alone the Libertarian Party, and who DOES have Ross Perot money.

Folks, he’s out there right now. And, he’s won elective office himself, putting him a healthy leg up on Perot. And, he hasn’t denied any early speculation about his 2008 intentions.

OK, those hints aren’t enough?

Meet New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. A billionaire. A businessman more successful than Perot, and without feeding at the hog trough of government contracts, unlike the hypocritical H. Ross Perot. Centrist to left of center on many social issues. Big-business views on many economic issues, but not heartlessly so.

THAT is your Ross Perot 2008. Unlike Perot in 1988, you can bet Bloomberg is more likely to steal Democratic-leaning independents than Republican-leaners, too.